Active campaigns show a "Bid Metrics" table with data about campaign bids. The table shows metrics from the past day and updates almost in real time. This helps with troubleshooting.
Bid metrics can be accessed via the campaign → Overview → Bid Metrics.
Understanding and Leveraging Bid Metrics
Bid Metrics provide a transparent overview of how bids progress through the bidding process and identify various reasons why a bid might be halted. These insights help advertisers understand campaign performance and make informed decisions.
It's important to note that millions of bid requests can be processed every second. Therefore, some bids being halted is normal and not necessarily indicative of a problem that requires immediate action.
When reviewing Bid Metrics, you will see "COUNT (TODAY)" on the right, which indicates how many times an entire bidding process was not completed due to a specific metric. There is no set number that would be considered "too much", as the number can vary depending on the inventory the campaign is targeting and how many bid requests are being sent to the campaign.
The entire bidding process is broken down into four different stages:
Initial Stage
Targeting Stage
Final Stage
Bids Placed
In each column, you can see the percentage of requests that were filtered out at each step, as well as the percentage of requests that proceeded to the next stage:
If a campaign or strategy noticeably stalls at a specific step or bid metric, it can indicate that action may be needed.
When to Take Action on Bid Metrics?
1. Expected Completion
A good starting point is to review the campaign’s Expected Completion. If a campaign shows 100% Expected Completion, it indicates that the campaign is delivering as planned relative to its budget and timeline. However, if the Expected Completion is lower, Bid Metrics can provide valuable insights into why not all bids are being fulfilled.
Expected Completion can be viewed both in the individual campaign overview and through the Campaign Dashboard:
2. Troubleshooting Underperforming Strategies
Even when a campaign has a 100% Expected Completion rate, certain strategies within the campaign may underperform. In these cases, examining the Bid Metrics for specific strategies can provide clarity on why certain bids are halted and suggest potential areas for optimization.
You can view Bid Metrics for a specific strategy in two ways:
Through the Campaign Overview:
Navigate to Campaign Overview -> Bid Metrics -> Filter by the desired strategy here:
Directly on the Strategy:
Hover over the strategy and click the information (i) icon:
Bid Metrics Descriptions and Potential Actions
Below are the most common Bid Metrics, along with explanations and potential actions if needed. Please note that not all metrics necessarily require an action in the campaign. However, when campaigns or strategies are not delivering as expected, these metrics can provide insights and suggestions for possible solutions.
Bid Metrics | Description | Potential Actions |
Bidding ignored due to pacing | Bid requests are ignored. This can be due to several reasons:
| If the campaign is delivering as expected, you can disregard this. However, if the campaign is underperforming due to target share, optimize the strategies that is not performing. |
Ad format mismatch | Ad width/height does not match allowed slot formats | Make sure you have the required sizes for the inventory you want to target. You can either contact the publisher to check their specifications, refer to our general Creative Specifications or make an estimate (Campaigns -> Estiamtes). Note that it is sometimes not possible to have all formats available in a media list. If you feel that your campaigns are delivering as expected, you can disregard this. However, if the campaign is underperforming, consider adding more formats. |
Outbid by competing campaigns in BidTheatre | - | Consider increasing your bid amount to be more competitive. If necessary, adjust your targeting or bidding parameters to improve the chances of winning bids. |
User does not allow cookies | - | No adjustments possible. |
Excluded site | Filtered due to that the supplier is blocked for the buying seat or that the site is excluded | Review the campaign’s Exclusion Media Lists to ensure that no essential sites have been excluded.
If no sites are excluded in the campaign’s Exclusion Media List and the campaign is unable to purchase an important site, contact Support. We automatically exclude certain sites due to poor metrics, high levels of fraud, or other factors. |
Creative data set mismatch | - | Contact support for assistance. |
Bid Metrics | Description | Potential Actions |
Deal mismatch | Some sites sell the same inventory through both open auctions and deals. This metric indicates that there is more traffic available outside the current targeted deal, which is natural and usually does not require action. However, some sites require a deal to be purchased, and in such cases, many bidding attempts may halt at this metric. | No action needed: Action needed:
Seat mismatch | Supply deal not intended for this seat | Contact the publisher to ensure that they have added the correct Seat ID for the deal. |
Bid below floor | Filtered due to bid being below floor | Increase the campaign’s or bid strategy’s max CPM. The floor price is the minimum bid required to purchase certain inventory. Also, consider the BidTheatre platform fee, which is deducted from the max bid. The remaining amount is what you compete with in the auction. |
Ad not secure | Ad not set as secure but required by slot | Please refer to the article Secure Creatives |
Audience mismatch | Filtered due to a mismatch between the targeted audience and supply | Consider adding more audiences to broaden the campaign's reach. If you’ve built a Custom Audience, consider removing some requirements if the current targeting is too niche. |
IP / user blocked | Filtered due to IP or user blocked (fraud detection) | - |
Geotarget mismatch | Filtered due to geo target mismatch | Consider adding more geo targets or expanding the radius in the campaign's geo targeting settings. If this is not possible, try broadening the campaign by adding more sites and/or formats to increase the chances of winning more bids within the desired geo area. |
Failed site verification | Ads.txt verification failed, bid stopped due to filter settings. To verify, visit the publisher’s domain and check the Ads.txt file at www.[site].com/ads.txt | Some trusted publishers may not have an Ads.txt file for various reasons, which can prevent the campaign from reaching the desired inventory. In this case, create a new filter without any Ads.txt settings, or use the filter "BidTheatre Default Filter - No Ads.txt." |
Media list tag, path or pattern mismatch | Media list tag, path or pattern mismatch. Sometimes it is not possible to target specific subpages on a site if the bid request does not include the path information. | Consider adding more placements to your placement list or, if the site list is targeting specific paths, add more paths to ensure broader targeting. If it's critical to appear on specific subpages, it may be worthwhile to ask the publisher for a deal that targets only those particular subpages. |
Ad vendor not approved | Ad vendor blocked by seller. An ad vendor could be a third party providing tags for advertising. | Contact and consult the publisher. |
Seller blocked category or advertiser | This means that the campaign's category or the advertiser has been blocked by the publisher due to specific content policies or restrictions. | Contact the publisher for more information on why the campaign or advertiser was blocked and if adjustments can be made to get approval. |
Exchange specific mismatch | - | Contact support for assistance. |
Failed auction type | This occurs when the auction type set for the campaign does not match the auction type used by the publisher. For example, the campaign filter may be set to "first price" bidding, while the publisher uses "second price" bidding. | To resolve this, remove any settings in the filter under Action type. |
Blocked supplier | - | Contact support. |
Banner mime type not accepted | Occurs when the ad’s file type is not supported (e.g., image files might need to be in JPG, GIF, PNG format etc). | Refer to the publisher’s specifications and ensure the campaign uses the correct MIME type. |
Video / Audio |
Video duration not accepted | Media file either to short or to long | Check the site/publisher's specifications to ensure the media file is the correct length. |
Bitrate not accepted | Media file bitrate either to low or to high | Refer to the publisher’s specifications and adjust the bitrate. |
Mime type not accepted | Occurs when the ad’s file type is not supported (e.g., video files might need to be in MP4 format, images in JPEG etc). | Refer to the publisher’s specifications and ensure the campaign uses the correct MIME type. |
Slot requires ad to be skippable | This occurs when "Not skippable" is selected as a requirement in the filter, and the requests received contain non-skippable slots. | If the campaign is underperforming, consider adding more inventory, either to your media list or by contacting publishers to request deals. If it’s not crucial for the campaign to appear only on non-skippable spots, consider unchecking this field in the filter. |
Video exact dimension mismatch | Some SSPs require exact video dimensions to be matched | Refer to the publisher’s specifications and ensure the campaign uses the exact video dimensions |
Video aspect ratio not accepted | This happens when the uploaded video does not align with the supported aspect ratios, such as 16:9 or 4:3, required by the publisher for their ad placements. | Refer to the publisher’s specifications and adjust your ad to meet the correct aspect ratio. |
Video placement mismatch | This occurs when specific video placements are selected in the filter, and the campaign skips bidding on requests that don’t match the chosen placements. | If the campaign is underperforming, consider adding more inventory, either by expanding your media list or contacting publishers to request deals. If targeting specific placements is not critical, consider unchecking the video placement selection in the filter to allow broader targeting. |
Slot not for instream video | This occurs when "Instream" is selected as a requirement in the filter, and the requests received contain supply slots for other video inventory (typically outstream). | If the campaign is underperforming, consider adding more instream inventory, either on your media list or by contacting publishers to request deals. If it’s not essential for the campaign to appear only on instream inventory, consider unchecking this field in the filter. |
Audio protocol not accepted | Audio slot requires unsupported protocol (VAST, DAAST) | Verify the audio file's format and ensure it matches the platform's accepted standards. If you need further assistance, contact support. |
Audio duration not accepted | Spot length either too short or too long. | Refer to the publisher’s specifications and ensure your audio file has the correct duration. |
Audio bitrate not accepted | Media file bitrate either to low or to high | Refer to the publisher’s specifications and ensure your ad has the correct bitrate. |
Audio content delivery method not allowed | Audio content can be delivered in two ways: progressive and streaming. The most common method is progressive. |
If the issue persists, contact support or consult with the publisher for further assistance. |
Audio mime type not accepted | Occurs when the ad’s file type is not supported (e.g., some publishers may only support specific formats such as MP3). | Refer to the publisher’s specifications and ensure the campaign uses the correct MIME type. |
Native |
Native unsupported version | This is a rare issue that can occur if the bid request does not contain information about whether the native placement supports version 1.0, 1.1, or 1.2. | Contact support for assistance. |
Native context mismatch | Bid stopped due to context targeting mismatch | Click on Campaigns -> Native Creatives -> Click the edit icon on your native creative, then add allowed contexts. Or leave unset to allow all contexts |
Native placement mismatch | Placement targeting mismatch | Click on Campaigns -> Native Creatives -> Click the edit icon on your native creative, then add allowed placements. Or leave unset to allow all placements |
Native title not accepted | Bid filtered due to title asset mismatch. Typically means that the title length exceeds the allowed limit. | Ensure the title meets the character limit in the Native Ad Requirements or consult your deal contact. |
Native image not accepted | Image asset mismatch | Typically due to incorrect pixel size; double-check the specifications in the Native Ad Requirements. |
Native video not accepted | Video asset mismatch | Typically due to incorrect pixel size; double-check the specifications in the Native Ad Requirements. |
Native data not accepted | All assets passed in the data object grouped together | Double-check the specifications in the Native Ad Requirements and refer to the article Setting up Native Creatives - Step by Step for a more detailed guide. |
Filters |
Visibility mismatch | Filtered due to ad slot visibility mismatch | Adjust the Adslot visibility setting in the filter. Note that not all sellers and media provide a visibility signal, and applying any setting here will exclude those without signals. Ideally, leave all settings blank if possible. |
Supply category mismatch | Filtered due to supply category mismatch | Consider adding more seller site categories in the filter. |
Supply type mismatch | Filtered due to supply type mismatch | Add more supply categories in the filter or ideally remove all Supply type settings. Note that you will not appear on placements that do not match your formats, so there is no need to worry about display formats appearing on audio inventory, for example. |
Device mismatch | Filtered due to device mismatch | Add more devices in the filter or ideally remove all device type settings. Note that you will not appear on devices that do not match your formats or target inventory, so there is no need to worry about desktop formats appearing on CTV inventory, for example. Also, note that not all requests contain device type information, and in such cases, bids will be discarded if specific device criteria are selected in the filter. Therefore, it may be better to leave these unset if device targeting is not critical. |
Supply language mismatch | Filtered due to language mismatch in filter | Consider adding more languages in the filter, or remove all language options to target all browser languages. If not possible, consider adding more sites to broaden the campaign further. Note that a large percentage of browsers have English set as the default language, meaning you may risk missing a significant portion of your target audience by limiting language settings. |
User not known | Filtered due to user known requirement in the filter, "Required matched user". This means the user couldn't be identified due to cookie settings, and as a result, the bid was discarded. | If you only want to bid on users who can be identified, no action is needed. If the campaign is underperforming, consider broadening the campaign, for example by adding more sites or formats. If it is not necessary for users to have accepted cookies, create a new filter without these requirements, or select the default filter called "BidTheatre - Default Filter - All users". |
Cellular connection type mismatch | Cellular connection type mismatch (Ethernet, WiFi, 3G etc) | Consider adding more connection types in the filter, or leave unset to target all connection types. |
Ignored non-personalized bid request | Filtered due to user requirement in the filter, "Ignore un-personalized bid requests." This means the user couldn't be identified due to cookie settings, and as a result, the bid was discarded. | If you only want to bid on users who can be identified, no action is needed. If the campaign is underperforming, consider broadening the campaign, for example by adding more sites or formats. If it is not necessary for users to have accepted cookies, create a new filter without these requirements, or select the default filter called "BidTheatre - Default Filter - All users". |
Bid Metrics | Description | Potential Actions |
Bid below floor | Filtered due to bid being below floor | Increase the campaign’s or bid strategy’s max CPM. The floor price is the minimum bid required to purchase certain inventory. Also, consider the BidTheatre platform fee, which is deducted from the max bid. The remaining amount is what you compete with in the auction. |
Bid discarded to prevent flooding | This is an automatic protection that prevents ads from the same campaign from appearing multiple times within the same user view, as it could be perceived as intrusive or excessive. | To disable flood protection, check the box "Disable flood protection" in the filter. |
Outbid by competing campaigns in BidTheatre | - | Consider increasing your bid amount to be more competitive. If necessary, adjust your targeting or bidding parameters to improve the chances of winning bids. |
Frequency cap not matched | Filtered due to frequency cap settings in filter | Adjust the frequency cap in the filter or consider broadening your campaign in other ways to target more users. |
Bid below floor due to bid optimization | This issue can occur for two primary reasons:
Bidding ignored due to zero site win rate | This issue can occur for several reasons, and this metric appears when the bid request does not provide specific details about the exact cause. Potential reasons may include:
| Contact and consult with the publisher for advice on whether adjustments can be made to enable winning bids on their inventory. |
Bid Metrics | Description | Potential Actions |
Internal auctions won / Bids submitted | - | No action is needed if the bids are successfully won. If campaigns are submitting many bids but have a low win rate, it may indicate that other campaigns outside of BidTheatre are bidding higher. In that case, try increasing the maximum bid further or consult with the publisher to understand why the bids are not being accepted. |