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Setting up Native Creatives - Step by Step
Setting up Native Creatives - Step by Step
Written by Jennie Edvinsson
Updated over a week ago

When setting up Native Creatives, the process mainly involves three different steps:

  • Native Assets

  • Native Creatives

  • Adding your Native Creative to a campaign

This guide provides a step-by-step explanation of the process.

Preparations & Best Practices

Before you begin the process of creating your native creative, please refer to the Native Ad Requirements for the various specifications required by publishers. If you plan to create ads tailored for multiple publishers, you can add several assets and use them within the same native creative. Publishers will only use the assets that meet their requirements.

If you want the ability to differentiate and compare various assets, we recommend creating separate native creatives for this purpose.

1. Native Assets

To add your native assets, go to Campaigns —> Native Assets

1. Title assets

Start by adding your title in the empty field under Title assets, select your advertiser, and click the plus icon to add the asset. Please make sure that the maximum number of characters for "Length" matches the specifications for the publisher you wish to target.

2. Link assets

Add your landing page using the "New link" button.

3. Image assets
Native creatives typically require both a main image and an icon/logo image. Please drag and drop your images here one at a time and select the correct asset type based on the specifications. Also, ensure that the format matches the requirements.

4. Data assets
Data assets typically include a description, CTA, and a sponsored text. Add them one at a time by first giving your asset a name of your choice, selecting the advertiser, entering the asset text in the "value" field, and choosing the correct asset type under "data type". Click the plus icon to add your asset.

Once all the assets are in place and you have verified that they meet the specifications, this step is complete!

2. Native Creatives

The next step is to go to Campaigns —> Native Creatives. This can be seen as an ad shell to which we now want to assign all the desired assets.

1. Click the "New Native Creative" button. Choose a name of your choice, select the advertiser, and choose the desired landing page that was added in the previous step. If you plan to create different native ads for various messages, it is useful to give the ad a descriptive name at this stage. Click "Create".

2. Close this view and click on the "Assets" link, then click the "Add assets" button. In this view, assign all the assets you want this ad to include.

Your native creative is now complete!

3. Adding your Native Creative to a campaign

1. Go to your campaign —> Setup —> "Ad Creatives" —> Click on the "New ad" button.

Name: Give your ad a suitable name
Ad type: Native ad
Ad dimension: Native
Ad status: Active
Native creative: Select the native creative you just created.

Click the "Create ad" button.

2. Scroll down to the view below and click on "Show advanced settings" —> Check "Secure" and save.

Your native ad is now correctly added to the campaign. Add your ad to an ad group and proceed with the campaign setup as usual.

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