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Custom Audiences
Written by Jennie Edvinsson
Updated over 3 months ago

This article explains how to create Custom Audiences in BidTheatre. It will provide a brief overview of all target types and explain how to work with the following conditions:

  1. OR

  2. AND

  3. NOT

Create an Audience

Go to Supply —> Audiences —> New Audience. Start by giving your Audience a name, then select the advertiser for whom the audience is intended.

Fixed CPM – To use a custom audience, you need to assign it a price to ensure that the cost is included in the campaign’s Max CPM and budget. Select 'Automatic' to let the platform set this automatically based on the audiences you select. Choose 'Manual' if you prefer to set a custom price (most often used when audiences are sold to other seats).

Note: If Fixed CPM is left blank, the cost of using the audience will not be deducted from the campaign budget but will instead appear as an additional charge on the invoice.

Limit to country – If you want to restrict the audience to a specific country, you can select it here. Otherwise, leave this field blank.

After clicking "Create", you will see this view appear, with several target options. In this article, we will primarily focus on the target type 'User - Audience' to explain how to combine and exclude different types of existing 3rd Party Audiences. However, the same principles for using OR, AND, and NOT apply to all target types. At the end of this article, you will find a brief explanation of all target types.

1. Work with OR

Work with OR to create an audience composed of multiple different audiences. This way, you can add several different audiences to expand the total audience size.

Select 'User - Audiences,' click on the 'Value' field and search for the desired audience. Ideally, by this step, you have already explored 3rd Party Audiences (Supply → 3rd Party Audiences) and identified which audiences you want to add. Find your audience and add it by clicking the “Create” button:

Continue adding all the target audiences you wish to include in your custom audience. The order in which audiences are added is also the order in which the system will attempt to bid. This means the system will first try to find users in the top audience. If no match is found during the bidding process, it will then proceed to the next audience, and so on. You can adjust the order by dragging the target audiences up or down.

Your audience is now complete and ready to be used in your campaigns!

2. Work with AND

Use AND to combine multiple audiences. This means the user must match all selected audiences in the combination for BidTheatre to place a bid.

For example, let's say you want to reach "Men who are interested in shopping". Start by adding an audience that includes men. Then, to combine this with the shopping interest audience, click the plus sign on the same row:

Now, add your second audience that you wish to combine and click the “Create” button to include it:

Note: Keep in mind that combining audiences drastically reduces the overall audience size. Whenever possible, use larger audiences to avoid overly narrow targeting.

3. Work with NOT

Use 'NOT' to exclude a specific audience that you do not want to reach. 'NOT' can be used either independently or in combination with other audiences.

To change to 'NOT', click on the 'OR' symbol:

Target types

User - Audiences

Use this to combine and exclude different types of existing 3rd Party Audiences.

User - Campaign Ad Clicked
This targeting option allows you to collect users who have clicked in one or more selected campaigns.

User - Cookie Groups
Cookie Groups is a concept in BidTheatre that could serve as a general storage unit for user data. Refer to the article 'Cookie Groups' for more information.

User - Cookie Groups Advertiser Feed
Advertiser feeds provide product details for dynamic ads. Refer to the article 'Advertiser Feeds' for more information.

User - Cookie Groups Advertiser Feed Filter
Filtered targeting based on a particular value on some product property is supported. Refer to the article 'Advertiser Feeds' for more information.

User - Data List: Domain
BidTheatre offers the ability to target a campaign based on data derived from the IP address. Through Assets —> Data List —> Domain Search, you can check which IP addresses can be matched by uploading a text file with the domain names of the organizations you wish to reach. Refer to the article 'Data Lists' for more information.

User - Data List: IP
If you wish to target specific, known IP addresses, you can upload them as a targeting type via Assets —> Data Lists —> New Data List. Refer to the article 'Data Lists' for more information.

User - Data List: Organization
​In the same way that a Domain Search can be performed, an Organization Search is also available to see which IP addresses BidTheatre can identify and target based on organization names. Refer to the article 'Data Lists' for more information on how to use the Organization Search tool.

User - Data List: Postal code

Target desired postal codes by uploading a text file containing them via Assets —> Data Lists —> New Data List. Refer to the article 'Data Lists' for more information.

User - Data List: User Agent

A user agent is a string of text that is sent by a web browser to a web server to identify itself and provide information about the browser's capabilities. To target a specific user agent, upload it in a text file via Assets —> Data Lists —> New Data List.

User - In Segment

Segments are group containers for users, primarily used for retargeting purposes. Refer to the articles 'Segments' and 'Walkthrough - Retargeting Campaign' for more information.

User - Lookalike to Converting User

Target lookalikes of converted users by selecting this targeting type. Refer to the article 'Lookalikes' for more information on how the scoring model works.

User - Lookalike to User in Segment

Target lookalikes of users within a specific segment. Refer to the article 'Lookalikes' for more information

User - Wheater
​Use this targeting type if you want campaigns to be triggered under specific weather conditions. For more information, refer to the article ' Weather Targeting'.

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