BidTheatre offers the possibility to target a campaign on data derived from the IP-address that makes the request. Currently we support data lists to target:
IP addresses or IP ranges
User agents
Organisation names
Domain names
Postal codes
Organisational name, domain names and postal codes are derived from a lookup of the user IP address with our provider Digital Element.
File contents is not case sensitive.
You may pattern match based on regular expressions (see below)
Rows prefixed with # are excluded from matching (commonly used for file comments)
How to use the datalist
Data Lists are simply text files where each row contains a target organization, postal code, or IP address you want to include. These text files can be added by navigating to Assets → Data Lists → New Data List. The exact steps may vary depending on the type of data list you wish to upload, and these will be described below. Once your data list is uploaded, it can then be included in a Custom Audience.
Note: Remember to add a Fixed CPM in the order to ensure the cost is deducted from the campaign budget and not added as an additional cost.
IP Targeting
IP addresses can be targeted in a few different forms;
Form | Example |
Single IP | |
IP range | |
CIDR notation | |
Some SSP's cloak the last part of the user IP. These users can be targeted by targeting the IP with .255 in the end.
Upload your text file containing IP addresses by navigating to Assets → Data Lists → New Data List. To create an audience using this data list, go to Supply → Audience → New Audience, select the type: User - Data List: IP, and then choose your data list under Value.
Note: Add a Fixed CPM in the order to ensure the cost is deducted from the campaign budget and not added as an additional cost.
Organisational Targeting
Using the Organization Search Tool
In Assets → Data Lists, a tool is provided to search for a given list of organisation pattern. The tool can be used to identify whether a given organisation has been previously seen, and hence could be available to target.
To use the search tool, upload a text file (.txt) containing the pattern/company you wish to search for:
The text file must contain one organisation match pattern per line
Regular expressions can be used, or an exact match of the ISP
Do not use å, ä, ö or any special characters
Letter casing is ignored
Ensure there are no spaces before or after each organization name
The tool will respond by outputting a text file containing each matched organisation per line. If the output file is empty, no match has been found.
To target users originating from the ISPs Com Hem or Bahnhof, your output file should look like this:
com hem ab
bahnhof internet ab
Double-check the output file and delete any unwanted matches; then click 'new data list' and upload the corrected output file here:
Once the Data List is an available targeting asset, it can be used in an Audience. Go to Supply → Audience → New Audience, select the type: User - Data List: Organization, and then choose your data list under Value.
Note: Add a Fixed CPM in the order to ensure the cost is deducted from the campaign budget and not added as an additional cost.
Using the Domain Search Tool
The Domain Search Tool works in the same way as the Organization Search Tool, with the difference that you can search for specific domain names for the organizations you wish to target.
Refer to the same rules and guide as above. When you later create a target audience for this, select the type: User - Data List: Domain, and then choose your data list under Value.
Postal Code Targeting
To target the postal code area of Odenplan in the centre of Stockholm the following text file (.txt) could be created.
# postal code for Odenplan in Stockholm, note the space character.
113 22
The text file must contain one postal code per line
Regular expressions can be used
Ensure there are no spaces before or after each postal code
Upload your text file containing postal codes by navigating to Assets → Data Lists → New Data List. To create an audience using this data list, go to Supply → Audience → New Audience, select the type: User - Data List: Postal code, and then choose your data list under Value.
Note: Add a Fixed CPM in the order to ensure the cost is deducted from the campaign budget and not added as an additional cost.
Using regular expressions
Regular expressions are string patterns built into most programming languages and can be used to describe a string of text.
For a introduction to regular expressions in Java, see or any other resource available online.
In Java when creating regular expression you normally need to “double escape” backslashes, that is not needed when creating these text files.
As an example, postal codes in the Stockholm metropolitan area all starts with the digit one follow by two other digits, a space character and then another set of two digits. This is something that could be expressed in regular expressions like this.
# postal code stockholm
The regular expression above consist of the following parts.
^ = meta character matching the beginning of a line
1 = Match the digit 1
\d = character class describing any digit
{2} = quantifier saying we want to match two digits
\s = character class describing a white space character
{1} = quantifier saying we want to match the white space character one time
$ = meta character matching the end of a line
As another example, the Bahnhof ISP mentioned above could appear as somewhat different organization names for different IP ranges, but lets assume the common denominator is that the text "bahnhof" is mentioned in all of them.
# All bahnhof organization names
The regular expression above consist of the following parts
^ = meta character matching the beginning of a line
. = meta charachter that matches any character
* = quantifier saying we want to match any character zero or more times.
bahnhof = the text string we require to match
$ = meta character matching the end of a line
In the same manner you could create complex regular expressions matching your intended target audience.
Common mistakes with Data Lists
Spaces before or after entries
Ensure there are no extra spaces before or after the given entries in your text file.
Special characters or accented letters
Avoid using special characters or accented letters (such as Å, Ä, Ö, etc.) in the text file. Instead, replace these characters with A and O.Multiple entries per line
Only include one entry per line.
Not using the Organization or Domain Search Tool: Make sure to use the Organization or Domain Search Tool before uploading your data list to ensure the data is properly structured.
In Audience - Incorrect type selected for the data list: Ensure that the correct type is selected for your data list when creating a custom audience.