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Performance Metrics
Written by Jennie Edvinsson
Updated over a week ago

In the Performance report, various metrics are categorized under the tabs Basics, Video, Engagement & Impact, and Conversions. This article provides a description of each metric.



The number of times an ad is displayed or shown to a user.


The number of times users click on an ad.

CTR (Click-through Rate)

The ratio of users who click on an ad to the number of times the ad is shown (expressed as a percentage)

ECPM (Effective Cost per Mille)

The cost for 1,000 ad impressions, calculated as 1000 * total cost / total number of impressions. When a spend model is used, the margin is taken into account in this calculation.

ECPC (Effective Cost per Click)

The cost for each ad click, calculated as total cost / total number of clicks.

Raw Media CPM

The raw cost of 1,000 ad impressions before any additional markups, calculated as 1000 * raw media cost / total number of impressions.


Campaign budget targeting is based on the concept of campaign 'spend,' which is derived from campaign costs and the spend model assigned to the campaign.

For example:

  • Spend Model: 10%

  • Cost: 9,000

  • Spend: 10,000

In this case, the spend is calculated by adding the margin from the spend model to the cost, resulting in a total spend of 10,000.


In a programmatic campaign, "cost" is the sum of

  • media costs

  • audience costs (optionally)

  • platform fees

  • targeting fees (if any)

Raw Media Cost

Cost of media purchase only, excluding audience costs, platform fees, and targeting fees.


The average number of times an ad is shown to the same user during a specific time period.

Unique Users

The number of individual users who have seen an ad. Please refer to the article "User Tracking: Introduction & Overview" for more information on how users are tracked.


VTR (View-through Rate)

View-through Rate is calculated by dividing the number of completed views of a video ad by the number of impressions it received, then multiplying by 100 to get a percentage.

VTR (%) = (Completed Views / Impressions) × 100

Video Start

The number of times a video has been played or viewed, counted each time the video starts playing,

Video Complete

The number of times a video is watched in its entirety, from start to finish, indicating that the viewer watched the entire video rather than stopping partway through.

Video Mid Point

The number of viewers who have watched at least halfway through the video.

Video First Quartile

The number of viewers who have watched at least 25% of the video.

Video Third Quartile

The number of viewers who have watched at least 75% of the video.

Video Mute

The number of times a video is muted by the viewer during playback.

Video Unmute

The number of times a video is unmuted by the viewer during playback.

Video Pause

The number of times a video is paused by the viewer during playback.

Video Rewind

The number or percentage of times a video is rewound by the viewer.

Video Resume

The number of times a video is resumed by the viewer after being paused.

Video Fullscreen

The number of times a video is viewed in fullscreen mode by the viewer.

Video Skip

The number of times a viewer skips forward in the video.

Video Close

The number of times a video is closed or stopped by the viewer before it finishes.

Engagement & Impact

In addition to tracking ad impressions, clicks, and other derivatives of these parameters, ASX also gathers a set of performence metrics that can be used to compare ads and evaluate the effect of advertising campaigns.

Measured (%)

This percentage indicates the portion of ad impressions for which viewability was successfully measured. It reflects how much of the total impressions were able to be assessed for viewability.

Viewability (%)

This percentage represents the proportion of ad impressions where the ad was visible according to specific criteria: 50% of the ad must be visible for at least 1 second, or 30% of the ad if it is larger than 242,500 pixels (970x250). For more details, please refer to this article about Viewability.


Impact is the time the banner have been visible in the browser (in seconds) multiplied with the banners visible area.

Impact Rate

Impact Rate is the impact per impression, calculated by dividing the total impact by the number of impressions.

Time Visible

The total amount of time, in seconds, that an ad has been visible on the screen.

Mouse Hover

The number of times users have hovered their mouse cursor over an ad.

Dwell Time

Dwell Time is the time (in seconds) that a user have positioned the mouse pointer above the banner (hovering). It could indicate that the user have seen the banner.

Engagement (%)

The rate at which an ad has engaged viewers per impression. It is calculated by dividing the number of mouse hovers by the number of impressions.

Technical notice

  • If the ad is rendered inside an IFrame all tracking of these metrics will be disabled since IFrames will brake our ability to correctly determine where the ad is located unless one of the following is true

    • The ad is rendered in a Friendly IFrame.

    • The ad is rendered in a IAB SafeFrame where the host have implemented support for

      • $sf.ext.winHasFocus()

      • $sf.ext.inViewPercentage()

      • $sf.ext.geom().self.xiv

      • $sf.ext.geom().self.yiv


Click conversion

The number of users who previously clicked on an ad from the same advertiser as the conversion tracker and then converted. Post-click conversions are calculated on an hourly basis.

View Conversion

The number of users who previously has seen, but not clicked, an ad from the the same advertiser as the conversion tracker and then converted. Post view conversions are computed each hour.

Conv. Combined

The numbers of conversions generated from both post-view conversions and post-click conversions combined.

ECPA (Effective Cost per Action)

The average cost incurred for each user action resulting from an ad. It is calculated by dividing the total cost of the campaign by the number of actions taken. ECPA helps measure the efficiency of an ad campaign in terms of cost relative to the actions it generates.

PC Sale Sum (Post Click Sale Sum)

The total revenue generated from sales that occurred after a user clicked on an ad.

PV Sale Sum (Post View Sale Sum)

The total revenue generated from sales that occurred after a user viewed an ad, but did not necessarily click on it.

Sale Sum

The total revenue generated from both Post View Sales (PV Sale Sum) and Post Click Sales (PC Sale Sum) combined.

Conv. Ratio

The proportion of users who complete a desired action (such as a purchase or sign-up) relative to the total number of users who interacted with an ad or campaign. It is calculated by dividing the number of conversions by the total number of impressions.

Sale Sum Ratio

The ratio of total revenue generated (Sale Sum) to the total cost of the ad campaign.

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