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In-Banner Video
Written by Marcus Johansson
Updated over a week ago

Accepted file types: .mp4

Video ads can be made to run within standard banner ad slots. This is commonly called "In-banner video".

BidTheatre In-Banner ads

To set up in-banner video ads, select ad type "In-banner video". The dimensions and aspect ratio of your ad decides what ad slots it is eligible to be shown in. The video will be scaled to fit the ad container with with transparent bars filling any extra space.

Third party in-banner video ads

Solutions for in-banner video provided by third parties are set up as a standard HTML ads. For specification, consult with your third party adserver.


For in-banner ads it is important to limit the ad creative weight to ensure the best user experience and fast loading of the ad. Recommended maximum creative weight is 1 mb. Publishers may choose to reject ads that too heavy.

As always when running video ads, adhere to the Video Creative Guidelines.


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