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Media Lists and Targeting Media

This article describes how to work with site lists to bundle publisher sites that you want to target.

Written by Marcus Johansson
Updated over a week ago

Media Lists are lists of media that you want to target. You can either create your own (private) site lists, or use public site lists provided by BidTheatre. Manage media lists in Supply / Meida Lists.

Types of private media lists:

  • Sites - holds domains or mobile apps

  • Placements - holds individual ad placements on sites

  • Contextual - holds individual site urls / articles

  • Screens - holds outdoor screens

  • Exclusion - these are lists containing domains that you wish to exclude from buying

Types of public site lists:

  • Public (sites) - lists provided by BidTheatre, such as lists for specific media, verticals, ad networks, etcetera

  • Public (placements) - lists provided by BidTheatre containing specific site placements

  • Public (categories) - lists provided by BidTheatre to facilitate contextual targeting. These lists are updated daily with web pages that have a context that is relevant to the site list category name. Each site list contain between 100 and 100 000 web pages. An additional targeting fee of CPM 7 SEK is charged when using these lists. It is not possible to inspect the contents of the lists, but domains with impressions are shown as usual for running campaigns.

Uploading Media Lists

It is possible to assign sites to a site list by uploading a text file. The text file should be formatted with one site list entry per row. Each entry can contain up to three semicolon separated columns:


Entries already assigned to site listing will not be added.


A site list can be automatically populated with sites that matches a domain.


A site list can also be made to filter inventory based on patterns expressed a regular expressions. If sites or placements are present in the media list, a match will be required both on the media list item and the pattern. In this way one can use patterns to further filter / narrow down a site list.

If the media list is empty, but contains patterns, a match on the pattern will suffice as a match.

This example shows a pattern that filters all domains that matches ".se".

Read more about the syntax of regular expressions here:

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