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Creating a New Campaign

This article covers the steps in setting up a new campaign, including some best practices.

Written by Marcus Johansson
Updated over 2 years ago

Video: Introduction to Campaign Setup

General Settings

Naming convention

It is recommended to enforce a naming convention to keep campaigns easy to find. For example "Media Agency" / "Advertiser" / "Campaign name" / "YYMMDD - YYMMDD".

Make it a habit to name segments with the advertiser name to help identify them.



Campaigns can run at different priority depending on your objectives. Three different priorities exist:

  • Even: Campaign will be delivered evenly from start to end date

  • ASAP: Campaign will be delivered at maximum bid rate, possibly (likely) ending before the set end date.

  • Frontloaded: Campaign will be delivered with given frontload factor (0 - 50). The frontload factor defines what extra percent of the campaign to be delivered when half of the campaign's run time is finished.

  • Guaranteed: Campaign will always bid on targeted deals.


Each cycle consist of a start date, an end date and if desired a delivery unit and amount.

The delivery unit decides what target the campaign should have on the given time interval. The delivery unit can be impression, clicks, conversions or budget. If your campaign only should be targeted for dates leave the delivery unit field empty.

It is not possible to change the delivery unit for a created cycle. Either end or delete the cycle. Nor is it possible to add a new cycle before an active cycle, update the active cycle instead to advance the start of a cycle.

Ad Groups

An ad group is a bundle of ads on which a bid strategy operates. It is used to differentiate bidding rules for different ads. For example, it makes sense to separate ad sizes that will be more expensive from less expensive ones.

When adding new creatives to an existing campaign, remember to also add them to relevante existing ad groups, or create new ad groups and bid strategies.

It is perfectly ok to only have one ad group that contains all your ad creatives.

Ad Creatives

Add new ad creatives by drag & drop. Files can be:

  • Image file

  • Zip containing several image files

  • Zip containing a HTML5 ad bundle

  • Text file containing third party tags

  • Video file

The system will auto detect file type and ad size.

Assigning to Adgroup

In order to use an ad in bidding, assign it to an Ad group. You can select and bulk assign multiple ads by clicking the Actions button.

Deleting Ads

Once created, it is not possible to delete an ad. The recommended way to stop using an ad is to change its status to Inactive.

Bid Strategies

The bid strategy defines a bidding rule that instructs the system to bid on certain ad inventory with certain filters at a certain CPM and pace. A campaign may contain only one or several bid strategies. Bid strategies are used to:

  • Isolate different types of buying into individual units that can be iteratively optimized.

  • Vary bid levels for different types of buying. For example, an ad group containing large size formats may need to command a higher bid CPM than an ad group with smaller formats target smaller inventory.

  • Combine different types of buying in one campaign. For example, one bid strategy may use an audience for retargeting, a second bid strategy may target a specific site list of branding inventory, and a third strategy may target a wide vertical of sites.

  • Experiment and try out hypotheses about different types of supply and their fit to the campaign. To get the best results from campaigns, it is recommended to play with different bid strategies and increase / decrease CPM levels and shares according to performance.

A bid strategy consists of several concepts:


  • A sitelist representing the inventory that will be bought. Either build your own in Supply > Site Lists, or use a public site list.

  • An adgroup containg the ad creatives that will be displayed.

  • A geo target object that filters the buying based on geospatial information. If unset, the default geo target will be used.

  • Max CPM: The maximum cpm bid for this strategy. If unset, the default max CPM will be used.


  • An audience to filter buying based on user data. Define audiences by pressing the plus sign or using one from the drop-drop menu.

  • A filter object that defines additional filtering, frequency capping, etcetera.

  • A target share percentage defining the intended final share of the strategy compared to the campaign as a whole. If left unset, each bid strategy will have a target share relative to amount of biddable supply it targets.

The default bid strategy settings will be used for bid strategies that have the corresponding fields unset.

Working with target shares

  • If the sum of the entered target shares (%) for all bid strategies are above 100 %, each strategy target share will be scaled down proportionally, to make the sum 100%.

  • If you like to have one bid strategy take as much part of the delivery as possible, and use other strategies to "backfill" what remains, put a target share of 100% on the bid strategy, and leave the other target share fields empty.

Finish Setup

Finish campaign setup by clicking Finish Setup in the top right corner of the campaign dashboard.

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