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Setting up Native Creatives
Setting up Native Creatives

Introduction to native advertising and guide on how to set up a native campaigns.

Written by Marcus Johansson
Updated over 5 months ago

In contrast with traditional ads, native ads specify the ad content but not how to display it. This lets publishers have higher control over the user experience and how advertising is integrated.

Accessing Native Inventory

Browse available native inventory by filtering on supply type "Native". Consult with the seller for specifics on how to access their programmatic native supply. Some sellers may provide native access only through private deals, and most have guidelines and restrictions on what native assets must be provided. Reach out to your BidTheatre account manager if you need help to facilitate contact with the seller.


BidTheatre currently does not support:

  • Native video assets

  • The OpenRTB Native Ads version 1.2 specification

  • Targeting on context sub types

  • Targeting on sequence

No preview is currently available of native creatives.

Supported SSPs

BidTheatre currently supports version 1.1 of the OpenRTB Native Ads Specification. The table below shows support with different SSPs:


Native Supported



Version 1.1

Integration ongoing, ETA May 2019


Version 1.1

Integration done


Version 1.0

Integration done

Rubicon Project

Version 1.0

Integration done


Version 1.1

Not yet available outside US

Improve Digital

Version 1.?

Initial review


Version 1.?

Initial review

Setting up a Native Campaign

  1. Enter Campaigns / Native Assets to set up assets.

  2. Enter Campaigns / Native Creative to add a new native creative. Enter "Assets" to assign what assets onto the creative

  3. Enter Campaigns / Setup / Ads and click New Ad to set up a Native ad. Choose ad type "Native" and dimension "Native". Assign the Native Creative onto the Ad.

For a full step-by-step guide – See Setting Up Native Creatives - Step by Step

Native Ad Setup

A native ad works as any other ad, but will have

  • Dimension "Native"

  • A Native Creative assigned onto the ad object

  • Native ads can only be used to bid on inventory of supply type Native

NOTE: There is currently no preview available for native creatives, as the display may differ for different publishers.

Also note that a standard ad audit is required to access Xandr native supply.

Setting up Native Creatives

A native creative is made up of several "assets", outlined below. Upon buying native advertising programmatically, the seller specifies what assets it requires to fill an available ad position, and BidTheatre will, if possible, match this with the available ad assets of the buyer. This means that not all assets may be used in an ad display - different publishers will request and use different asset components.



A link asset contains a link to an external web page. The "url" field should contain the landing page at the advertiser. The link object may specify a "click trackers" field, which should contain a comma separated list of third party click tracker urls, that will be called upon link asset click.

The fallback field represents an optional fallback url that will be called if the given url field is not possible to use.

NOTE: The link object will override the target url set on campaign or ad level.


The title asset represents the title of a native ad unit. Publishers will enforce different limitations of the maximum title length.


Image assets represent images. They can be either icons (smaller images used as thumbnails) or main images.


Data assets are generic holders of native ad asset information. One commonly used data asset type is "sponsored by", specifying the brand of the native creative.


Video assets are not yet supported.

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