BidTheatre uses data from Digital Element to position users geographically based on their IP address.
Level | Description | Accuracy |
Country | Such as "Sweden" | 99,99 % |
Region | Such as "Stockholms län" | 98 % |
City | Such as "Stockholm". Radius can be set (defaults to 30 km). | 96 % within 40 km radius |
Postal Code | Such as "112 38". Uploaded as an IP Data List |
Note that the media / site context is not used to infer geographic position. It can however be a proxy for such, i.e. targeting all the users of a local news site is likely to target a large percentage of people that are geographically close to the region that the news site covers.
User Connection Type
The ability to geo target users will depend on what information BidTheatre receives from the media seller, and the user's internet connection type. The platform will not bid if the geo targeting precision possible is less specific than what is targeted by a campaign.
Given Information in Bid Request | Geo Targeting Precision Possible |
Fixed Connection (Broadband, WIFI) | Country, Region, City, Lon / Lat, Postal Code |
Latitude / longitude given | Country, Region, City, Lon / Lat |
Cellular connection without latitude / longitude given | Country |
Possible reasons for a user to be geo positioned wrong
Some media sellers cloak IP addresses by hiding the last octet. This will decrease accuracy in positioning the user from its IP. You may opt to only bid on full IP addresses using a Filter setting on your bid strategy. The downside of this is that available inventory volumes will decrease.
Some internet connections use a proxy or VPN, which will hide the real IP of the user. This is common with business offices.
Poor accuracy in the Digital Element database
Aspects to consider:
Try requiring non cloaked IP's and see if volumes still suffice
Consider using local sites as a proxy for IP inferred user position
Reporting Error
If you receive an ad that you believe was geo targeted to a different position than the one you are in, please send a report to
Your IP address (visit
URL where the ad appeared
Description of the ad
If possible a screenshot
We will investigate and if needed report to Digital Element.
Digital Element provides all names in English for countries and regions but provides native spelling for cities in Germany, Netherlands, Sweden, Italy, Poland, Austria, Finland, Denmark, France, Spain and Norway. The region breakdown is done by Digital Element and is not possible to modify.